All participants must take either a 16 or 8 hour class. Participants with only 4 hours of credit must take a 16-hour class but will receive a corresponding reduction in the price of the class to acknowledge their 4 hours of credit.

The maximum amount of acceptable credit hours applied toward the 16-hour class is eight. Day 2 of the 16-hour class covers Illinois laws, firearm handling on the range, and the IL-CCW qualification shoot. All IL-CCW participants must attend Day 2.

Below are listed the acceptable firearm classes, military experience or other state CC permits accepted and the corresponding hours of credit applied toward the standard 16-hour CCW-IL class:

Course Title/Military ExperienceCredit Hours
Illinois Hunter Safety4 Hours
Utah Concealed Carry4 Hours
Florida Concealed Carry4 Hours
Nevada Concealed Carry4 Hours
Missouri Concealed Carry4 Hours
Kentucky Concealed Carry4 Hours
Michigan Concealed Carry4 Hours
NRA Basic Pistol8 Hours
NRA Personal Protection in the Home8 Hours
NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home8 Hours
Honorable Military Discharge8 Hours
Active Duty Military8 Hours

Illinois Concealed Carry – 16 Hour Class $225 – 8 Hour Class $150

Arrival for Class on NorthShore Sports – Crystal Lake

When class participants arrive at NorthShore Sports – Crystal Lake, they will proceed to the second floor classroom. Personal firearms and ammunition should be safely secured in your vehicle until directed by your NSS instructor to bring them in. For the security of your firearms, our parking lot is under continuous video surveillance.

Class Requirements:

  • FOID card or evidence you are in the process of applying for a FOID card
  • Driver’s License
  • Supporting documents if applicable (for credit hours already obtained)
  • Personal concealed carry fully functional handgun in an appropriate case
  • 100 rounds of ammunition for the 16 or 8 hour class
  • One extra magazine or extra revolver speed-loader with pouch
  • You must have a holster to participate!
  • A durable belt is required for your holster
  • Wear proper shooting attire (crew neck shirt & closed toe, high traction shoes) for the range portion of the class
  • Personal eye and ear protection

Illinois Concealed Carry Curriculum

Day One

  1. Firearm Safety
    • 4 Basic Firearm Handling Safety Rules
    • Home Storage
    • Vehicle Storage
    • Public Storage
  2. Care, Cleaning, Loading and Unloading of a Concealable Firearm
    • Gun Identification: Revolver/Semi-Automatic
    • Ammunition Identification and Selection
    • Safety and Cleaning Protocols
    • Cleaning Equipment
    • Loading and Unloading
  3. Basic Principles of Marksmanship
    • Stance
    • Grip
    • Sight Alignment
    • Sight Picture
    • Trigger Control

Day Two

  1. All Applicable State and Federal Laws Relating to Ownership, Storage, Carry and Transportation of a Firearm
    •  The Act in its entirety with emphasis on the following:
      • Appropriate and lawful interaction with law enforcement while transporting or carrying a concealed firearm.
      • Instruction on prohibited areas and the parking lot exemption.
    • The FOID Act
    • Relevant portions of IL-CCW including but not limited to:
      • 720 ILCS 5/7-1. Use of force in defense of a person
      • 720 ILCS 5/7-2. Use of force in defense of a dwelling
      • 720 ILCS 5/7-3. Use of force in defense of other property
      • 720 ILCS 24/1 Unlawful use of weapons
  2. Weapon Handling
    •  Dry-fire practice drills and handgun fundamentals
    • Dry-fire practice drills from concealment
    • Live-fire practice drills and handgun fundamentals
  3. Qualification for IL-CCW
    • Live-fire qualification with a concealable firearm consisting of a minimum of 30 rounds which include the following:
      • 10 rounds at 5 yards
      • 10 rounds at 7 years
      • 10 rounds at 10 yards

NOTE: Participants must qualify on an ISP approved “B-27” silhouette target. Participants must demonstrate proper and safe gun handling techniques in order to successfully complete the Illinois Concealed Carry class